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Forum Details
Title We've got report of illegal replica doll of BEBENINE27 Pio recently.
Posted by nine9style (ip:)
  • Date 2018-04-18 10:23:18
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Dear customer,

This is Nine9style.

We appreciate your loves and kind interests about us.


We've got report of illegal replica doll of BEBENINE27 Pio recently.

First, Thank you so much for our customer who kindly report us about this problem.


Thank you so much for our customer's URL information,

we visit it's site by ourselves and found that those items are illegal replica dolls of our doll.

Now we are asking for stop selling illegal replica doll of our shop to seller and website, but they are still do not answering our inquiries. We still fight with this problem, but we face difficulty to solve this problems easily.

Nine9style will do our best to prevent selling of illegal products and upuse of our image to minimize the damage of our customers and defend the intellectual property rights of.

To prevent illegal replica dolls, not only our efforts are needed, but also our customer's positive boycotts and right concept of copy rights are needed.


Lately, not only Nine9style, but also other doll productions are faced difficulty with these illegal replica dolls of their dolls.

Just because the price is cheaper than original dolls, purchasing illegal replica dolls is unacceptable behavior.

Purchasing illegal replica dolls shall violance the copy right of it's original items, furthermore, it blocks development of entire doll societies.

Also, Purchasing illegal replica dolls give damage to companies where made formal contracts from original doll companies.

To distinguish our original dolls, we includes "Plates and certification cards" on original doll package.

We do not provide any paid/free service or benefit to doll owners which has no certification and plate of ours.


Leave "cannot receive any paid/free service from Nine9style" aside,

safety of customers health may harmed because illegal replica dolls may includes toxic materials which is not urethane.

Also, illegal replica dolls may easily broken, hard to do make-up on it's face,..etc. Customers who using illegal replica dolls may face more big problems compare with customers who using with our original dolls.

We do not provide any paid/free service or benefit to doll owners which has no certification and plate of ours.

Also, because of shringkage difference between our original dolls and illegal replica dolls, our cloths, wigs or eye balls may not compatible with illegal replica dolls.

We do not have any responsability with the size problems of illegal replica dolls, and we do not provide any advanse information of illegal doll's size also.


We deeply appreciate for your kind reports.

We beg your kind cooperation continually, by not purchasing illegal replica dolls, and reporting us about illegal replica dolls.


Thank you so much.

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